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External Power Supply Harness For Autos

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Many have asked about wiring for autos. A friend & I have come up with a user friendly setup.

Available through me now is a small harness for external power supply for 4 speed autos.
It has a 2 second delay up & down for if 4th is accidentlly left on!
Meaning if 4th is on & you shift 2nd into 3rd, 3rd will engage for 2 secs before 4th engages.
If you are in 4th & you pull Drive/3rd into 2nd, 3rd will engage for 2 secs before 2nd engages.
The same safety feature that an RVR TCU uses, but done with 2 delay boxes & relays.
It has a reverse light plug (suits rego). Only starts in P/N
2 plugs plug into the factory Inhibitor plug & the solenoid plug.
2 plugs plug into the starter.
1 plug for the factory reverse light plug.
A toggle switch on 2m of twin wire for 4th with a red light on it. < Only wiring in the car.
A 4mm Power & Earth. A 2amp fuse inline on the power wire. Only draws 1amp in 1st. A+B solenoids on.
Just shift the gears manually. No auto mode.
#Note: Running this system is for 100% trans fluid line pressure constantly.
There is no blue wire involved for the pressure control solenoid.
This setup can be run on my boxes no prob.
If used on a standard auto, it's at your risk.
A factory TCU setup is kinder on std boxes because it bleeds off line pressure to save the box.

Can be run with a push button switchbox.




    Gday maaaate

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Nice work! Good to have this option locally and not just from the USA or DIY.




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Great work as always Aldo :thumbsup:

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay








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how hard is it to setup an auto box as a sequential shiftier? either via paddle or bump stick on center console

yes it's me KHUBNER




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If you have a shiftbox it's as simple as 2 momentary connections. You can make a shifter out of a Logitech gaming shifter/paddles, or alternatively you could run a ratchet shift like a B&M using the shift cables with a switch for 4th


I have 2 buttons for shifts on the underside of my steering wheel ready for my conversion to auto w/shiftbox, I'm using 6 core coiled CB cable so I will have the option for scramble boost or nitrous if I need.

I used these ↓↓


Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay








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If you don't have tcu the ratchet shifter won't work Ben.
Unless Aldos box allows for that?
My shiftbox has a 4th gear lockout and downshift protection as well.
Not the cheapest option though!

Dsmlink V3 + E85 :drool: 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her

Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!

How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.



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how hard is it to setup an auto box as a sequential shiftier? either via paddle or bump stick on center console


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