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New Look for the Turdis

- - - - - Rusty POS I am NOT the Stig I see bogan people.....

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I painted the wheels in black peelcoat to try to tie them in with the overall look of the car..............I'm not sure it worked though. I honestly thought it would look better than it does.
Oh well, at least it has 324mm 4 pot brakes up front   :)

Pics of wheels?
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leon r

leon r

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I also dig the "beater" look, it embarrasses other cars even more!  But my is all natural :)

96 Eclipse Spyder AWD (summer beater)
93 Eagle Summit TSI AWD (4G63 swap)
01 Isuzu Vehicross (winter beater)
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One pic under cloud, and one under full sun.







Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







    Gday maaaate

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Do the whole car like that.
Would look better. Black wheels look Better also with that paint.




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A lot of the people that see it for the first time are not sure if they like it or not, but they like that it's different, a melding of 2 worlds, rat look with clean lines and a touch of zero fucks given in regards to bodywork and broken bumpers.


I'm regretting putting clear coat over the effect, because it loses the real rust process that happens over time. I'm looking to remove the clear coat and let it get grow real rust..........I will have to warn people not to brush past it because it will stain clothes.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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Man Rust coat the WHOLE THING :)

Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car and oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall, torque is how far you take the wall with you.




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I had thought of that, not sure if I even like the rust on it now that it's got a real patina going on. The rain and dew makes streaks and bubble spots which look like shit.

The rust effect will only last about 3 months anyway, so I'm thinking of repainting the rust effect areas it with a satin orange

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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As odd as it is, it's sort of grown on me... Haha

Black and White RVR Hypergear


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