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Evo 10 inner rear axle CV cups

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So, for all interested in doing the evo 3 lsd conversion for 3 bolt VR4s (and if you have a 4 bolt with viscous), I have done a fair bit of detective work on this and I believe that these febest parts




are correct for the application. I managed to luck out on ebay and scored a pair of evo 3 rear inner axle cups, and I will measure them and confirm with Febest if they are correct when they arrive. Keep your eye on this thread if you're interested.


Cheers all



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Nope, unfortunately they differ. Which is a bugger! Different end spline count, and different length of the spline itself. Shame!



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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 A guy in the southwest over here wanted an LSD in to his VR4 and found that you put the evo 3 plate lsd in the evo/gsr cup fit

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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I could machine a few more conversion cups for 3 bolt to LSD like I made for mine, but no free time...


Still testing how much torque they will take... 




left: Stock 3 bolt cup, Right: New cup for LSD (still use stock 3 bolt shaft and outer CV)


Edited by JayRome, 16 April 2016 - 07:50 AM.

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Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

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I could machine a few more conversion cups for 3 bolt to LSD like I made for mine, but no free time...


Still testing how much torque they will take... 




left: Stock 3 bolt cup, Right: New cup for LSD (still use stock 3 bolt shaft and outer CV)




Could you elaborate on how you did it?  Are the cups a STD of the shelf? Did you have to recut the shaft splines?

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