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BNIB Greddy Type-R BOV - standard spring

- - - - - BOV brand new

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As the title says: Brand new in box genuine Greddy Type-R blow off valve with the standard spring.


This BOV has a large-bore 47mm diameter valve with a 50mm diameter outlet and is designed for high boost, high horsepower applications.


The valve comes with a steel weld-on flange and all boost/vacuum piping, nipples etc. to install and operate the valve - see pics below.


Link to BOV specs (price in USD): http://shopgreddy.com/11501660.html

Link to aluminium weld-on flange: http://shopgreddy.com/11900451.html (I have the steel one)


Reason for sale: I needed a lower profile BOV to fit in with my new intercooler piping arrangement...


Price (open to offers):

BOV only = $330 + shipping

weld-on flange only = $45 + shipping


BOV + weld-on flange = $350 + shipping



Edited by micky_vr4, 20 April 2016 - 10:47 PM.

J-spec white RS-Evolution GVR4 - soon to move for the first time in 2 years  :thumbsup: 

A-spec maroon GVR4

A-spec silver GVR4 - sold and racing!!!



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I'm open to offers :)

J-spec white RS-Evolution GVR4 - soon to move for the first time in 2 years  :thumbsup: 

A-spec maroon GVR4

A-spec silver GVR4 - sold and racing!!!

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