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5 stud conversion

- - - - - fto

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    Formerly known as FRONTN

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  • LocationHillside, Victoria

Hi Guys,


As you know I seem to buy everything online, even things I don't need. I bought this stuff to convert the daily CE Lancer to 5 stud, but daily's "shouldn't be modified" is what I've been told. Had this stuff for a while and now has to go.



FTO front knuckles with twin piston calipers and lines.

Brand new front RDA discs to suit FTO

used Evo 6 rear knuckes including the hubs and handbrake cables.


Been told these parts can be used for cc gsr.


All for $300.


Pickup only in Hillside, Victoria.


PM me.

Also got a shitload of evo 4-9 random parts from my buying online habbit.



Edited by TMAK, 11 April 2016 - 11:21 PM.

TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.



    Formerly known as FRONTN

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BUMP! Nearest offers considered.

Prefer pickup, but can courier interstate if needed.

TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.



    Hyundai's can't fly!!

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    Formerly known as FRONTN

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Sold. Pending payment and pickup.

TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.



    Formerly known as FRONTN

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  • LocationHillside, Victoria


TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: fto

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