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DIY - Engine Mount Replacement Video - Have a laugh at my expense!!

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Hey lads...


Ive had a few guys ask me how to install my Mad Polly PU mounts, so i eventually got my act together and made a video on how to install them with minimal tools....

Most of you crew could work it out, but feel free to have a laugh at myself trying to be serious ;)



Black and White RVR Hypergear


Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

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Man... good video... I didn't realize they came out that easy!


Would any members have any they want to get rid of ( STD Units) as mine are nearly new & don't want to destroy them to put the Poly ones in.

Edited by Derek, 16 April 2016 - 08:35 AM.



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Cheers Derek... It takes a bit more time than that video tho... Editing does amazing things ;) What sort of car do you have?

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Starion VR4 Derek

Starion VR4 Derek

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Cheers Derek... It takes a bit more time than that video tho... Editing does amazing things ;) What sort of car do you have?



1990 VR4, in the process of rebuilding it, just finished the 2.4L engine, rebuilt the Front Hub's, Front Brakes, Rebuilding the TailShaft & Transfer. Interior removed as mold started from sitting outside. It has been off the road for 5 years.... & all from a broken Clutch Fork.  Then Son #2 raiding it for parts, turbo, manifold then the Head... sadly his was destroyed when the Flywheel exploded at 7000+ RPM. Hope to have mine going in a month or two.

Edited by Derek, 16 April 2016 - 05:56 PM.



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Sounds Solid mate  :w00t:

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I have the passenger side Evo 1-3 mount which needs a new insert if anyone needs one.
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Jeez I did it the hard but more exciting way of burning the rubber haha

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Awesome video Lars, you could be the Aussie Jafro.


I have all 4, love them. I can feel the engine through the whole car, I have found all of the loose change I had lost, and the clutch feel is so much better. Launches like a beast now!!!

Best investment for how I want my car to feel I've every made


Jeez I did it the hard but more exciting way of burning the rubber haha

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Same here man. I did them both at the same time......I was waiting for the fireies to turn up lol

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nice DIY solution for those without a press



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If your looking for a nice solid mount these are pretty good aslong as you dont mind some extra vibrations



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Never mind the mounts. I want the shed!!


Seriously, great video



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Jeez thanks for the comments boys  :thumbsup: ....  There's a thousand ways to take them out, but ive found that's the best way with minimal tools from home


It's actually ridiculous, ive been making them for over a year and still havnt driven a car with a full set in yet... Still waiting to finish my build


I got sick of people asking me how to do it, so this is much easier

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Im only tunning the roll stops so mines not so harsh but even just those 2 is a massive improvement over the standard mounts which fail quite quickly.

yes it's me KHUBNER



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Im only tunning the roll stops so mines not so harsh but even just those 2 is a massive improvement over the standard mounts which fail quite quickly.

Wow the Haltech has come such a long way lately, being that you can now tune your mounts!!
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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Lol frudian slip t and r are next to eachorher so i bumped t instead of r on my phone. I dont think it will be long until you can get an elite to control a variable damper system

yes it's me KHUBNER



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Well done - great video support for your product.

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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Thanks again lads :)  Good to hear my self taught film/editing passes the test


Kyle, i think you need to go back to typing school mate ;)  Cheers tho

Black and White RVR Hypergear


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