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Circuit Club TrackDay @ Winton - Sat 30th April

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    Wannabe Racer

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Circuit Club are running one of their track days at Winton next Saturday (30th April).  I know it's somewhat late notice, but I've been told they are just on break-even entrant numbers, so it's looking like there'll be plenty of track time for those of us who have entered!!


These days are a heap of fun - the Circuit Club guys run a really tight, well organised ship and the people participating are a really good bunch with a wide variety of cars.


Would be great if some of you 4gtuner guys could make your way up to have a go on the (just!) re-surfaced Winton track (feedback is it's worth a couple of seconds on previous PBs!!) and say "Hey!"


Details through FB link and as per below:




Date: Saturday 30th of April 2016

$230 per driver;
$80 per second driver;
$35 per passenger

Itinerary: Track opens at 7:30am. Drivers briefing at 8:45am. Sessions from 9am to 5pm.

How to book: Book online and pay securely via Paypal - http://circuitclub.com.au/page/upcoming-events...

You will receive a PayPal email notifcation if your booking is successful - If the website does not let you book, it is most likely that the event has reached capacity.

Your first trackday? Read the FAQ: http://www.circuitclub.com.au/page/faq

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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You already know i'l be there  :thumbsup: looking forward to it.



    Gday maaaate

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Too many turns

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