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WTB: Evo 2/3 input shaft

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  • Donating Members
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Hey guys just chasing an evo 2/3 input shaft for my gearbox build so please let me know if u got one cheers.

1991 aspec Vr4 - RS Vr4 4g63 - td05 16g - 510 injectors- haltech ps1000 pnp - walbro 400 pump - custom exhaust manifold - hotbits coilovers - alot to come :P




  • Donating Members
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Found cheers for the help shayne

1991 aspec Vr4 - RS Vr4 4g63 - td05 16g - 510 injectors- haltech ps1000 pnp - walbro 400 pump - custom exhaust manifold - hotbits coilovers - alot to come :P



    Wannabe Racer

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Glad Andrew was able to sort you out.
"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin

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