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Cause I'm not bright and need a direct answer

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    Hyundai's can't fly!!

  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationBrisbane
Ahh good ol Roger still around? Haha
I wonder if he's still rocking the radiator charge air cooler. I thought that was a game changer personally.

Dave I wasn't aiming it at all newbies, we all started somewhere. Just that there seems to be a sense of entitlement and lack of respect /appreciation among many of the newcomers. Compared to many other car forums, the older generation (vehicle age) mitsi guys seem to be the most genuine and willing to help. There are some well seasoned lads with very practicable knowledge among them. It sucks to see their time being wasted on futile e-battles with idiots. They'll naturally then tend to care less about advising others, which was originally driven by a common passion that has since been trampled on by egotistic shitheads.

Nobody cares that you might not have anything tangible to offer in return, just courtesy.

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