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Evo Rs oil temp guage wiring diagram
Posted 01 May 2016 - 07:09 AM
The back of the oil temp guage has 2 inputs for the temp sensor, I have put in a 2pin temp sensor on my engine at the oil filter. The guage is not reading anything. Does anyone know how these 2 inputs should be wired on the guage?
Should I be running a single pin temp sensor? Do both inputs need to be connected on the guage?
Any help appreciated
Posted 01 May 2016 - 08:18 AM
This is getting out of control...mods/admin might wanna change access to the forums until a proper intro has been done.
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 01 May 2016 - 11:38 AM
Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay
Posted 01 May 2016 - 12:01 PM
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 02 May 2016 - 06:49 AM
I tried for hours trying to post an intro, incl photos which keep 1) coming through too small, 2) upside down etc etc, got so frustrated why it would be soo hard to put a simple photo up considering forums like this encourage to share photos.Retard learning tool.png<------------- FFS CLICK HERE!!!
Will I start getting commission for posting this every 2 days?
When I looked at the intro page, existing members were also giving grief to new members asking for photos, better intros. What the hell... Do you want to encourage new members or not?.. So I chose better not put a rookie message up and try find out how to put up a proper post of my car.
I was an old member of the gsr cyborg au forum which can no longer be found... I see tonight the forum has a mobile site aswell, and as I only use an iPad, putting photos up seems to be so challenging. I tried image shack aswell last night and this never worked, need flash9 or something.
Soooo don't be so quick to jump on people when at the end of the day just want advice from keen enthusiasts like your selves. And this is the useful advice you have for my concern. Very professional.
Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:47 AM
I tried for hours trying to post an intro, incl photos which keep 1) coming through too small, 2) upside down etc etc, got so frustrated why it would be soo hard to put a simple photo up considering forums like this encourage to share photos.
When I looked at the intro page, existing members were also giving grief to new members asking for photos, better intros. What the hell... Do you want to encourage new members or not?.. So I chose better not put a rookie message up and try find out how to put up a proper post of my car.
I was an old member of the gsr cyborg au forum which can no longer be found... I see tonight the forum has a mobile site aswell, and as I only use an iPad, putting photos up seems to be so challenging. I tried image shack aswell last night and this never worked, need flash9 or something.
Soooo don't be so quick to jump on people when at the end of the day just want advice from keen enthusiasts like your selves. And this is the useful advice you have for my concern. Very professional.
So let me get this straight, you tried for hours to post up an intro post with pics, but couldn't, correct? Then why didn't you change the title of this thread to read "Hello" and changed the pic from a gauge cluster to your car and posted it on the 'Introductions' thread instead?
I know you can read, so why is it so hard to post up in the place you're supposed to?
You need to understand things from our standpoint, we have had so many leaches breeze in with no intro post and nothing to contribute, how can we tell what kind of person you are from the whole 2 posts you've made?
So here's some "useful advice" for you............make a post in the Introductions thread
Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay
Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:57 AM
Use Photobucket for pics.
Copy and paste the IMG code into your post.
Its that easy.
This could also have been answered in your non existing intro thread.
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
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