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Short Shifter - GSR EVO 1-3

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    Nothing Under 35psi!

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Anyone know where to get one.


Rob Jumbuck (PROGSR) sold a B&M short shifter a while back need one for my car


HELP would be very much appreciated





    Wannabe Racer

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I have one Dave, $50 pick-up.

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



    Nothing Under 35psi!

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Where abouts are you


What is it?






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If you look up Proton or EVO 1 2 3 short shifters on EBay you will find the ones that most guys have bought. 

I do remember I had to do something with the bottom of mine to make it fit snugger - a piece of rubber or something where the end that looks like a peg is.

But its been such a long time ago I cant even remember. In fact, I still prefer stock shifters over the NERVIS custom made short shifter I first had and then the Proton short shifter I fitted 2nd. With a fresh gearbox, its very notchy as it is and nothing moves as freely and as nicely as the stock shifters do IMO. I've never driven one with the B&M shifter before and not being on my main computer, Im not even sure I know what they look like? I'd like to see some piccies through sms if thats OK Shayne? :)

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.

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