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Car cover to suit RVR

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I have an Evolution 'small 4WD' car cover that fits the RVR perfectly.  It is weather proof although quite soft and does not mark the car.  I used it about 5 times to protect my RVR HSG between waxing it and events like cruises and my wedding.  I paid $140 when new.


Happy to trade it to a good home for any 6 pack of decent beer as I no longer have my RVR. 


If I have to put a price as per forum rules, $20.


Pick up Brisbane.  PM here if interested.

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I'm interested if your willing to post?



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It's pretty big and I would imagine postage will be ridiculous on something I'm basically trying to give away....  It's approximately 530x380x170 and probably weighs around 3 or 4kg if you want to investigate, but I'll wait and see if any of the local guys want it first.  Cheers



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No worries man. I can always chuck it on the toll account at work.

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