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DIY intercooler/exhaust piping

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Looking to channel my inner-DIY and do my own intercooler and exhaust piping. Its for the 93t with all the usual EVO bolt-ons and because its my daily I'm not fussed at how rough my/or someone else's welding will be. 


I already have a TD05 dump with screamer connected to a 2.5" exhaust but obviously want to go 3". Am I correct in thinking that I can just take my existing exhaust off and make an exact duplicate with 3" pipe?


Also, a part from the actual 3" pipe, is it only the flexi part, cat and muffler that I need to get?



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Not as easy as you think. You have to consider clearances while on the car.

Plus consider dynamic items such as tail shaft and suspension components.

Must be done on the car.

Same with ic piping.



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yep cool az. All I needed to know to abort the mission lol



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Yeah get an idea of what u want or need. Then build it piece by piece front to back
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Jayrome had some 3" dump pipes ot sure if hes got any left. Got 1 on my car good quality



    Gday maaaate

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Doesn't hurt to try. But just understand that it will take time if you haven't done it before.

I did mine by visualising, cutting with a hand saw, fitting, filing, grinding, tac welding until the exhaust was fabricated. I then had a mate tig it up. After that it was bolted on.

Don't let it deter you. Just don't expect it to take one weekend.



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Imo a 2.5" exhaust with straight through muffler and high flow cat isn't going to hold back a 4g93t with bolt on's.
4g63 GSR.



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Doesn't hurt to try. But just understand that it will take time if you haven't done it before.

I did mine by visualising, cutting with a hand saw, fitting, filing, grinding, tac welding until the exhaust was fabricated. I then had a mate tig it up. After that it was bolted on.

Don't let it deter you. Just don't expect it to take one weekend.

Yeah Im under no illusion that it was going to take time. Especially for me, but I just wanted to do it myself. Even if it was rough as guts and as per your cutting and tacking process, that's exactly how I imagined it would be. A good excuse to roll around with a dump to atmosphere setup for a while...lol 



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Imo a 2.5" exhaust with straight through muffler and high flow cat isn't going to hold back a 4g93t with bolt on's.

I agree. Maybe I'll try out a high flow cat first and see how that goes? In any event, all the mods I had in mind of doing (3" exhaust, I/C piping, etc) has always been with the anticipation of an eventual 63t transplant. That way I have most things in place and done for it. But I agree with what you say.

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