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Speed density

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How soon are you doing it? Im tuning an evo 6 with an e8 gsr ecu and speed density next week or a gsr with an 8mr ecu on speed density in about 6 weeks. Can probably send you something to start with.

No rush, when ever I can afford all parts and fit them. I have an 8mr ecu, basic run down on my car is:
Evo 8mr ecu,
Evo 560cc injectors,
Evo big 16g turbo w/ 3 inch front cover,
2.5 inch dump w/ 3 inch exhaust,
External w/g and electronic boost control,

Nothing else is really relevant since it's not my car your tuning, but let me know if any other info helps.

I guess the 8mr tune would be more suitable due to being the same ecu? Either way I would be great full of you could send me either really, then u can scale the injectors ect to get it running and then tuned locally.

This motor is unopened w/ 300000km, and is really just my mock up, getting everything working and running then I'll build a forged block etc when money permits lol.




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A guy on here is selling connectors. Cant give you a pinout for the afm but the wore colors are the same as listed. Ecu Pinout can be found in the dropbox link in the tech files thread i have pinned at the top of this section.

Mr gears or something doing the connectors? I have ecu pinouts, that's no worries, wire colours will be good should decide agains the pre made loom, cheers



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Yes Mr Gears
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



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Mister Connectors

His site....he might be able to help with looms you need too
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



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I've got these two PLX modules which I'm going to use the 5V outputs of, to try and run SD (Evo 7 ECU in GSR). This way I don't have to buy extra sensors, and get to monitor those two parameters on my DM-6 gauges :)





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