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Car Security Suggestions

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What's the best way to stop your car to get stolen or broken in to?? 


If its as simple as a certain brand of car alarm then what is it?

It hasn't happened to me, but i rather be prepared...


Would love to hear everyone's suggestions on here!


Cheers, Lars

Black and White RVR Hypergear




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How long is a piece of string?


Stolen - good quality immobiliser. GPS tracking. SMS alerts if the cars starts or moves etc. and the ability to remotely shut it down. Hidden kill switches etc. Visual props like steering wheel locks


Broken in to - loud alarm (doesn't stop the break but will deter the scum), Security film on windows

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Hmmm good point... Anyone here actually set up a GPS tracker on theirs?

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If someone wants it that badly they will get it. Someone stole a tow truck just to get my brothers car.

Missile is right tho gps trackers are great. I got mine for 160 on ebay. Got a cheap sim from Telstra they taylor make for this sort of stuff and just top it.

Some even have remote fuel cut easy as to install aswell. Just make u get one that has good battery life once unplugged/cut from the battery.

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Hmmm good point... Anyone here actually set up a GPS tracker on theirs?


I have setup one of those cheap GPS trackers in an old car of mine, for reference it cost about $30 for the tracker + $10 for a SIM card with credit.


Was easy to install and use, however they only suit daily drivers.


If I left the car parked for anything more than a week it would drain the battery to the point it wouldn't start. I wired it up to a switch so I could turn it on when it was parked up away from home, but it was too much of a hassle and easy to forget.


In my experience car alarms or neither a deterrent or added security. Might as well install a flashing LED on a switch.


For cars that don't get driven often I would recommend removing parts, i.e. quick release steering wheel, ECU, ignition, fuses etc.


For cars that get driven at least once a week, try the GPS tracker + hidden kill switches.



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Awesome thanks lads.... Yeah it's definitely a daily so maybe ill run a tracker then

Black and White RVR Hypergear




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Any recommended brands?

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Kill switch is a great idea, just not much use against tow trucks!



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Club lock.



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A big gun & a short temper.



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I have thought about getting a security bollard fitted behind where I park my car. They might be able to get into it, but there is no way they are going to take it from my property even if they break in and get your keys.

Remove able bollard is about 600-700 installed.
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Remove ecu. Lol. There are a lot of gos trackers cheap as above. There is a spy channel on YouTube that uses shit like that to track unfaithful partners. Lol.
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If you want a fun weekend project you could install a CCTV setup at home.


I put in a simple 4 cam setup on Saturday - one cam for each car plus one for the driveway. They are pretty cheap these days.


The removal bollard would be the best idea to do.



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+1 on the GPS. Jaycar sell one that looks ok. 


Also if you really want to spend the cash on an alarm, make sure you are getting it installed by someone decent. An alarm is only as good as the person putting it in!!




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If you want a fun weekend project you could install a CCTV setup at home.


I put in a simple 4 cam setup on Saturday - one cam for each car plus one for the driveway. They are pretty cheap these days.


The removal bollard would be the best idea to do.

i know of a guy that had a rare torana on the gold coast 2 in fact and the thieves just ripped the bollards out to get at the cars

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I stumbled upon these RF-V16 gps trackers while looking for a small/lightweight unit for my R/C. The units work well, it can be used as a mobile phone and have the ability to call in silently so you can listen in on the thief while tracking them.



Edited by !Jonzap!, 26 August 2016 - 10:27 AM.



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i know of a guy that had a rare torana on the gold coast 2 in fact and the thieves just ripped the bollards out to get at the cars


In NZ they will either steal/move multiple cars out of your driveway until they get to what they want- if that fails they will home invade you for your car keys and tow your car away

Edited by CLuTZ, 17 September 2016 - 04:20 AM.



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Ruthless ^
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Lots of home invasion stories for cars like C63s etc. 

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