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hey guys new here!

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hey guys new to the Evo world but not the Dsm game, I have had a total of 34 dsm's and built several for my friends So I know my way around the 4G engines but by no means know everything. I already have a few questions about my new evo but I will post those up in the forums so for now here is a few shots of my current roster! 


the first is my first love, my 91 eagle talon tsi awd and behind it is my daily f150.



heres a bay shot



this is my other 90 talon tsi fwd 



and finally my new pride and joy and very first evo, My 93 Evo 1 GSR ( its on jackstands )



and a bay shot before it got pulled to have the trans looked at.



thanks for the add!

Edited by dsm2evo, 28 August 2016 - 09:25 PM.




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Nice cars id love a talon wish we had them here. Welcome 😉

1991 aspec Vr4 - RS Vr4 4g63 - td05 16g - 510 injectors- haltech ps1000 pnp - walbro 400 pump - custom exhaust manifold - hotbits coilovers - alot to come :P



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thanks man, they are one of my favorite cars but sadly these two will be the last ones I will ever personally own, however I am looking forward to many more evo's haha.



    Wannabe Racer

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Nice car and welcome to the forums mate.  I'm sure you'll find plenty of support and info within these forum posts and threads.

‎"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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Nice car and welcome to the forums mate.  I'm sure you'll find plenty of support and info within these forum posts and threads.


Hey thanks for the kind words man, this community already seems to be very willing to help out and has already gotten me one step closer to getting the dash out of the evo. 

White Knight

White Knight

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Sweet lineup mate! Says something about differences in fuel costs. You wouldnt find many people affording an F150 as a daily here... Sucks.



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Thanks a lot man! And to be honest my F150 gets similar gas millage to my talon as long as I'm not towing the talon xD . Once the truck gets a little load behind it she likes to eat through gas, but for the most part its really not that bad. I have pictures of it doing 20 mpg and it topped out at 25 mpg but that was with a little help from some hills.  

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