Here's a link to a thread on here with a few photos of an Evo 1 Key. It's also missing the rubber button but the rest of the key is still good.
I'm pretty sure there are some other mitsi's from around the same year that have a very similar key. I know one of my Magna's had the same looking key with the red glowing mitsi symble when you press the button. I may still have it around here some where. I'll have a look.
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evo 1 keys
Started by dsm2evo, Aug 31 2016 04:45 AM
Posted 04 September 2016 - 07:09 AM
Hi guys. I have an E1 and the same key. But somewhere in my car's history another remote has been linked in somehow and the centre button on the key doesn't work. Great detective work!
Posted 01 October 2016 - 04:41 AM
Hey guys, I'm having the same problem, I have the same key in good condition with a new battery, I've located the module in the door and tried the procedure for evo 3 and it does not seem to work...? Central locking works fine just not with the remote.. any help would be appreciated..
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