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East coast mega meet

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Myself , Dean and Barry have been throwing around the idea of a East Coast meet that would be held in Sydney next year. I have an idea of a location, just waiting for there OK before I post location. I've also messaged fast fours magazine to see if this would interest them. It's only an idea at the moment and as I have never organised something this before , I'm looking for any help and all people that would interested.
2001 Legnum daily

A-spec VR4 FP3052 in construction.




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the last big sucessfull interstate meet i attended was an auslancer one it was timed to coincide with WTAC as some guys from vic drove up me and another guy and some others from qld went down and there was about 15-20 mitsu guys at the meet. i didn't do much driving outside of the absolutely necessary as my car wasn't in great shape and ended up with terminal engine failure on the way home (spun harmonic balancer) i'm keen to have another go at it though.

yes it's me KHUBNER



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It is a long drive and hard to predict failures but I'm going to look into details for some car transporters , just case. It would be good to have contacts before. I have never drove my car that distance.
2001 Legnum daily

A-spec VR4 FP3052 in construction.

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