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Strange boost leak test results

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So after the car sounding like it had a supercharger under boost for a while i decided to do a boost leak test. All was good i found the culprit and tightened it up but while the system was pressurized i noticed a bubbling sound. I pulled the dipstick and could hear what sounded like the oil bubbling the turbo looks fine has no play or anything abnormal also doesnt blow any smoke.


Has anyone had this, should i be worried?



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Normal....it usually finds its way into sump from the oil return from the turbo.
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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Pressurised air that is ^
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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Ahh ok thats good to know.



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What PSI did you pressurise your intake to?



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had the intake pipe at the throttle blocked so it wasnt pressurized only the cooler piping from the turbo to before the throttle



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Similar question (posting in here because I can't post any new topics for some reason?) - when doing  a boost leak test of the entire system (from Turbo inlet on) on a car with fairly aggressive cams, should you be able to build pressure without too much trouble, or will there always be enough valve overlap that air will escape past the valves regardless of position of crank?

(This might be a stupid question but just had issues trying to run a boost leak test last time I tried and wasn't sure if the compressor was crap or if all the air was escaping somewhere not obvious as there weren't any leaks apparent from the anywhere in the engine bay and only movement I could detect was air coming out the exhaust :-/)




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no matter what size you cams are there's alway one cylinder that going to be alittle bit in overlap. normally you test from intake to throttle body.

i would then smoke test the inlet manifold to look for leaks

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