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Chapmans dyno tuning Cooroy

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Got the Starion back a few days ago and am very happy with the tune after downsizing to a TS GT3076R  and the power at the wheels increased by app 100 hp at the tyres @4000revs but loses app 28 hp after 5000 the car will be better suited to the street sprints that have tight corners and chicanes as it is so much more responsive and I need to be careful feeding in the power out of corners  more so now.Fuel is BP Ultimate 98ron


Thanks Rob can't wipe the smile off my face.

Edited by OLDIE, 12 December 2016 - 07:58 PM.



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That's good to here, I think I will be taking my car there soon too



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That's good to here, I think I will be taking my car there soon too


Ian please let them (Liela or Rob) know that Rad recommended them.



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Rob discovered that 1 of the NEW injectors that I installed at his shop was faulty and after removing and after being  tested in Nambour they were sent back to the supplier at their request so they could see for themselves they replaced the faulty one.

This meant that Robs original  cost estimate was increased by $299.00


I contacted the supplier INJECTORS ON LINE and sent them a copy of the invoice and they have agreed to reimburse me the additional costs in full.


So if any of you need injectors then INJECTORS ON LINE is my recommendation as based on my experience they are a very reputable company.



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The car is much more lively now so should be far better out of tight corners and chicanes at the street sprints now.

Edited by OLDIE, 26 December 2016 - 08:10 PM.

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