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Tacho help.
Posted 26 February 2017 - 08:40 AM
Im running a motec M4 ecu but with stock coil pack and ignighter. Now i can locate the tacho wire from the dash and the tacho wire from the ignighter, how do i get my tacho to work?
Now before you say just join the 2 well ive done that but it still wont work.
Ive heard of inline resistors wlto get these to work with the 2 cables but im not sure what happens when the 2 cable met at the stock ecu.
Any help would be great fellas.
Posted 26 February 2017 - 12:37 PM
hmm in gsr/evo the wire from the ignitor goes to both ecu and tach directly it splits somewhere in the loom. when i went to ls1 coils i simply cut out the ignitor used two of the original triggers wire 2 new ones used existing power and earth and left the (unused wires un-terminated but Sheided)
changed a setting in the ecu so the ecu sent out a tach signal and was done. perhaps instead of using signa; from the ignitor send the signal from the ecu. (the ecu should use the cam and crank sensors to determine rpm)
NOTE: this was a haltech ps1000
yes it's me KHUBNER
Posted 26 February 2017 - 06:49 PM
While doing my auto conversion I found that I couldn't use a galant se tacho which had a 6500rpm redline with the AMG ignitor. Unsure why....
What ecu are you Running?
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 26 February 2017 - 07:02 PM
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 27 February 2017 - 06:34 PM
If you have a spare output, you can use the motec m4 to output an tacho signal to your tacho. For test purposes. This way you can define a few settings to troubleshoot. If the output is free, make it permanent.
But I know m4s are very limited in output volume. Ideally you do want the ignition module to output tacho to enable you to save that m4 output for another use.
- CLuTZ likes this
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 27 February 2017 - 07:11 PM
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 05 March 2017 - 08:56 AM
what was the original ignition system for the Nimbus? Dizzy or coil packs?
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WideBody Galant GSR 4g63 N/A+T Hybrid 1st/3rd gen +AWD
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Posted 05 March 2017 - 01:55 PM
But it was dizzy jay
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