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25th March. Casual meet. 1130am to 1330pm. Templestowe.

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    Gday maaaate

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You mean go karting day???

I'll join you one day Shayne. Give me a few years to build my time attack galant



    Wannabe Racer

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We do need to organise another go-karting session.


I'm thinking Ace-Karts this time.

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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keen to get back to winton to put down a better time with my new tyres but will have to be sept or after for me.



    Wannabe Racer

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September will come around quick enough mate!

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin




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Who would be keen for doing a 4gt track day (and I mean a REAL track day where you need to brake and turn the steering wheel - not just hold the accelerator and go in a straight line)?

We have a Circuit Club day at Winton in August, would be great to get a few of us up there for a few laps.

you need to brake at the end of the 1/4...
and turn... at least twice to get back to the start line!

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4G93T/GT3076R FWD 11.78@115 MT slicks

S362 323kw@35psi

12.6@126mph, street tyres and low boost




    Gday maaaate

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Breaking or braking???




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Breaking or braking???

Take your pick ;)

4G93T/GT3076R FWD 11.78@115 MT slicks

S362 323kw@35psi

12.6@126mph, street tyres and low boost


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