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4g93 NA sohc CE plenum options?
Posted 14 June 2017 - 05:20 AM
been looking for a better inlet plenum but doesn't seem to be much if anything out there for the CE sohc 93...
any options?
anyone tried shortening the runners on the standard ones?
4G93T/GT3076R FWD 11.78@115 MT slicks
S362 323kw@35psi
12.6@126mph, street tyres and low boost
Posted 14 June 2017 - 06:03 AM
Posted 14 June 2017 - 12:24 PM
I believe people have successfully adapted the 4G92 MIVEC intake manifold before.
For what purpose though?
It should be one of the last mods to do if you are sticking to some NA bolt ons so if you haven't done those then start there to make life easier
Posted 15 June 2017 - 03:51 AM
forged 4g93 sohc
originally na therefore na inlet plenum
ecu, injectors, turbo, cams etc
turbo is s300sxe rated around the 775hp.
looking more extreem than the std 93t or 92 mivec, read of some b16 honda plenums being adapted to the 93 fairly easily. anyone here done anything like that?
no big deal if i can't find anything I'll just make it somehow.
4G93T/GT3076R FWD 11.78@115 MT slicks
S362 323kw@35psi
12.6@126mph, street tyres and low boost
Posted 15 June 2017 - 04:45 AM
the closest you gonna find on here is my 4g93/2 mivec hybrid (its essentially a b18 with vtec) currently makes 170kw (220hp) at all 4 the mivec intake manifold has larger runners and larger throttle body opening factory the gen 1 cc series however does have a different bolt spacing to the rest. the gen2 ce sereis stuff MAY be the same as the rest of the stuff. as far as a possible direct bolt on goes the MIVEC manifold is the best you can find. from there it's build completely custom.
i'm just about to install a larger gt3071 turbo to take me to the 200KW mark possibly higher.
yes it's me KHUBNER
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