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Peninsula Cruise - This Sunday 11am (Beach Road)

- - - - - peninsula melbourne cruise

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  • Members
  • PipPip
  • 21 posts
  • LocationFrankston, Victoria, Aus

Hi Guys,


I am speaking to a few people on 'Club Evo Melbourne' FB page about a cruise this weekend. 


Got a few people interested (At least 3 black evo 6's :P) so let me know if your keen. 


This Sunday - Exact details to be confirmed

Meeting: Thinking of meeting at the Frankston foreshore car park at 11am

Cruise: Driving down to Mornington and then along the windy beach road to Mt Martha

Photo & Lunch in Mt Martha. 


Would be great to see you there catch up!




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  • LocationMelbourne

I was out this last Sunday, let me know if you go again 

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