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Sunday October 22nd - Heathcote Park Raceway Mitsu Meet

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    Gday maaaate

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Hi All,


We have a date proposed for a Heathcote Park Raceway meet.

It is a casual fun day but with the Mitsu Clan invited.  So hopefully a high Mitsubishi presence.


It is a test and tune so not awards or anything like that.

Purely to get the Mitsu family to the track and have some fun!


There is a Facebook event that exists.  If you want to be added, let me know.


I'm aiming to have one of my cars there.  Hopefully the Street Galant VR4 but if that fails, I'll manage to bring something else (AMG or GTO???).


Track details here:



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My car won't be ready, but definitely keen to come have a looksee



    Wannabe Racer

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^ Dre!!!!  You're alive buddy! :w00t:  How are you!?  

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin




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I'm back in the country on the 10 th so hopefully have the time to get things running and maybe get a shakedown pass in.

4G93T/GT3076R FWD 11.78@115 MT slicks

S362 323kw@35psi

12.6@126mph, street tyres and low boost


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