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EVO 6 to the Snow (Mt Bulla) Good Idea or...?

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  • LocationFrankston, Victoria, Aus
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to see if anyone had experience driving up snowy mountains? I've never driven in the snow or been to Mt Bulla so just wanting some advice before I commit to driving. I have an option of not driving and taking a mates 4wd, but thought it could be Fun to see the ayc and AWD capibilty of the 6 :)

I know these are rally cars and meant to be driven in the snow but yea I more so just want advice and to understand how difficult (if at all) it will be... if it's better to save the Evo the pain of the brutal weather or if you think it's fine then what sort of preperation / checks I should do before hand.


Edited by EVOBLK, 12 September 2017 - 11:41 AM.



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Only damage youll do is if you slide off the mountain. its fine

Edited by EV0300, 12 September 2017 - 11:40 AM.



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Taken all of my Evos to the snow plenty of times.
Had a 5 a 7 a 10 down there...
The 5 was the best at helis in the snow.


Ps..dont be soft, just drive it.
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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Haha ok cool.

I've only been to the snow when I was heaps younger. So probs seems a very amature question. 😂



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Never needed chains with any Evo. 

I took my old Evo 10 on Hankook RS3 tyres, no issues either.



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Scary thing is I have driven the Alpine way in the dark, snowing, no chains in my ex's CJ lancer.
GSR Lancer- JE-73-VO, 11.701@125mph, 1.79 60" and getting faster. No:3 conrod now orbiting the moon.

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