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CB Lancer 4g92T Project cb4a

- - - - - 4g92 soch turbo 4g92t cb4a

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I have this project of mine and I need some help with it.

I have issues with fuel cut while accelerating.


-Fully rebuild 4g92 SOCH

-Swichzer EC-01 turbocharger

-Original ECU

-240cc/min Fuel injector from 4g93

-85x35x18cm intercooler with 2.5" pipes

-Screwable fuel pressure regulator

-Original BOSCH fuel pump

-Pulstar Pulse ingition plugs

-Original MAF sensor

-Innovate LC-1 Oxygen sensor

-No cat and 2.5" Straight pipe with 4" rst back muffler


And after I got my new exhaust manifold done, I got 60mm wastegate

Now I need to watch Boost gauge all the time so it won't over 0.8bar (fuel cut in 0.6bar in quick acceleraiting)



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stock fuel pump and ECU with a turbo bolted on? 

probably ECU cutting fuel when pump cant keep up to prevent motor leaning out and blowing up...




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Yea, that's what I thought.

I'm up to buy megasqruit v2.2

Luckly I only need bigger injectors, highpressure pump with it.

That should be enough to teach car work right with MS.

Good thing that I can drive normally up to 0.6bar right now.



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 4g92, soch, turbo, 4g92t, cb4a

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