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4g63 front engine mount bracket

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Hi All,


Currently I have that L shaped bracket front timing engine mount on the motor (6 bolt 4g63) which looks like its brings the engine down a few cms in the car (92 CC GSR) 


Looks like this



I've been looking at photos online and the evo 3 front bracket and engine mount looks like it levels the motor out?


Not sure if this is the right one but it looks similar to this





Is there something I can do to the L shape mount bracket or do I need to buy the evo 3 bracket and mount? if so anyone know links or oem part numbers I can hunt for? 


I also notice the Powersteering pump connects to the L shaped bracket does that mean I have to get another powersteering pump to fit it to the evo 3 mount? 


Thanks in advance. 

Edited by fi5hGSR, 18 January 2018 - 01:11 AM.



    Gday maaaate

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You can cut and weld to get the right angle you need for your engine and axles on you can source the evo mounts to suit your 6bolt VR4 engine in your lancer chassis.

The power steering pump doesn't need to be supported by that L bracket. Those 2 studs and the bracket can be removed or also.

Over engineered. Extra meat / weight and bulk that is not required.

You could potentially use the RVR engine bracket with an evo mount.

RVR mounts also work but angle is slightly off also.



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I have the rubber section of the Evo mount here if you need one? It bolts over those 3 studs on the bracket on the right in the pic, and attatches to the chassis.
Pm if you want it?
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