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Death of the Rvr

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So I had some fun against the misses ss last night and I have a constant rattle in the engine. Below 3k it's barely noticeable but above 3.5k it's loud and fuck.

First reaction is lifters but there's an invoice from the previous owner of "stage 3 lifters" installed 20-30k ago...

It still drives smooth though as soon as I noticed it Ive taken it home to minimise damage...

Hopefully it's not a fucked valve... It sound higher up in the head...

Edited by Rvr_HSG, 18 February 2018 - 12:27 AM.



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What a shame.....
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



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"So I had some fun against the misses ss last night" - by far the most bogan comment I've read on here! lol



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Funny enough I'm wog!

Ice taken off the rocker cover to see if there was any obvious damage but everything looks as it should... Any ideas??

Oh and it's my fault... Let the oil run dry before checking it... Rookie mistake... replaced the oil for a hail Mary and drained out 1.5l just can't believe the stupidity...

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