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4g63t Gates balancer belt

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Hey guys quick question here if someone is familiar with these.

Building Bodens motor and hes gotten a gates performance belt that is 1mm wider than the genuine belt. Whacked it in and turned by hand and shes JUST rubbing/hitting on the crankshaft timing plate. Plate is around the right way. Genuine tensioner tensioned properly. The lip on the back of the tensioner prevents it from being put back further on the crank/balance shaft. It still turns over perfectly fine i only know its rubbing as you have to listen closely but you can hear the plate nicking it. Is this because of that 1mm extra width? Anyone had this problem before with the gates belt? Cant remember ever running into this problem with the stock belts.



    Gday maaaate

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Compare the specs of the part number.

T168r should be the race balance shaft belt part number.



    Gday maaaate

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Also, check this out too.

I noticed that some belts on eBay were cheaper than I could get from trade.

I'm suspecting fakes on eBay.

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