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WTB: CC GSR Shell (preferably in white)

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  • LocationBrisvegas, Australia

Hi guys,


I have a 1 RS sitting here doing nothing and I am considering transferring everything into a registerable shell so I can actually get some use out of it. As a result, I am chasing a bare shell from a CC GSR (4wd) or even a rough car with a blown motor. 


Let me know if you have (or know) of something going cheap.


I am in Brisse so the closer the better.


Thanks all.


  • 92 Evo 1 RS/93 CC GSR.
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I know of a guy who has/had a white one by the name of Andrew Knox. Has some minor roof rust (just thin paint from what I can see)
From memory he was after about $2k a few months ago. Was mod plated for a 63.
I believe he was located near Oxley.

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