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Rear wheel issues.

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Well another issue with the rvr. Never had so many before.

Now the rear wheel P/S is hitting the shock every now and then. Not all the time. The D/S doesn't hit or come close.

Wheels are 17x9 +35 with a 3mm slip on spacer.

Bushes seem fine ? . Couldn't find why it's hitting only on one side. I'm thinking maybe I need to go 4 or even 5mm ? .

Had this setup for over a year and only having issues within the last month.

I've got lowered suspension aswell.

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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Wheel alignment will give you all the measurements to see if the whheels are square and true
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Put a spirit level on your back axles, they need to be square for your wheels to stay square, if the axle is inclining your wheels will head towards the suspension.

leon r

leon r

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I am looking to use 17x9 29mm Advan wheels, once I adapt 5 lug spindles.  I am yet to see all the fitment issues, but my wheels will have extra 3mm of spacing.


What size tires are you using?  What rear dampers?

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