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Lancer CC GSR original condition

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Its so clean and original.


I know its easy to say not to touch it (id be one of the people saying that) but I can understand where youre coming from. Youve had it a long time and probably get bored with the same car.


I say, if you wanna do a few things to it, do things which can be 100% reversed easily back to original and keep all your original parts.

Exhaust, wheels, evo bumper, seats etc. - all that stuff is easy to return back to original.


Most importantly just enjoy your car :)

Edited by GSR94T, 31 May 2018 - 01:21 AM.

Previous cars:
Evo 5 GSR

Evo 8 MR
1994 Lancer GSR (2L , Evo 3 replica)




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 Hi all, any reputable paint and panel shops to recommend in brisbane?  thanks 

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