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Clutch pedal issue

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Car has sat around for awhile and I couldn't get the clutch working properly, the pedal was only returning to half way. So I replaced the slave cylinder with a CC GSR model one. I still had the same issue after trying to bleed the clutch up so I decided that it must be the master cylinder. So I replaced the master cylinder and bled the clutch back up. I am still experiencing the same issue where the clutch is only returning half way.


I seem to remember having this issue last time I was at the track but I can't be sure.


Any advice on what could be causing it?


I just drove the car and it seemed to be fine when changing gears.





Ross Cox

Ross Cox

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G'day. There is a sweet spot in the travel of the clutch pedal where everything seems to fall together, it involved getting upside down where the shaft from the clutch master cylinder joins the clutch pedal. You loosen the locknut and rotate the clevis on the shaft, after removing the clrvis pin, to adjust the length of the shaft to allow the interior parts of the master cylinder to go back to the rest position. Sometime it can be only a small amount of movement, sometimes not. There is also a stop adjuster that governs the clutch pedal height from the floor. I will post a page from the manual in a few minutes.

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Edited by Ross Cox, 12 May 2018 - 10:59 PM.

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