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My JB has been sold and the new owner has rallied one in the past and he drove it for the first time loading it onto his trailer.


I had owned it for app 26 years and sunk countless $$ into it over the years but happy that it has gone to a good home .


Hope that I won't be banished seeing that its replacement will be a Honda Civic Type R so will have to start learning the how to get the best out of a WWD car  :) 

White Knight

White Knight

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I bet that was a sad goodbye mate. I'm sure the new owner will treat the Starion with the love and adoration that you did.



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I bet that was a sad goodbye mate. I'm sure the new owner will treat the Starion with the love and adoration that you did.


He said that he thought that he was stealing it from me.


He intends to enter it in some events so hopefully I will get to see the old girl from time 2 time.

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