Can anyone confirm RVR HSGR share the same oil dip stick with vr4 / evo123 / Rvr SSG?
Mine top bit broken off, can't find any at meek website and no luck on eBay. Where can I find one...
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Oil dip stick for hsgr
Started by RVRHSG, Nov 15 2018 12:57 PM
Posted 15 November 2018 - 12:57 PM
Posted 15 November 2018 - 01:46 PM
i know ssg and hsg are the same. somethings telling me rvr is on its own from memory though. vr4 definitely different not 100% about evo though
Posted 15 November 2018 - 02:29 PM
You could try the main dealer. I broke my 8G VR-4 one and was surprised at how cheap it was from them. About 10GBP!
Part number is MD312865, and according to ASA, is the same part as used on the HSGR, SSG (N23WG version), Super Open Gear, X3, and also the Eclipse and the Chariot Resort Runner GT and GT-V.
I asked on the Evo 123 FB group and it seems that the stock dipstick is about 5mm longer.
Part number is MD312865, and according to ASA, is the same part as used on the HSGR, SSG (N23WG version), Super Open Gear, X3, and also the Eclipse and the Chariot Resort Runner GT and GT-V.
I asked on the Evo 123 FB group and it seems that the stock dipstick is about 5mm longer.
Posted 22 November 2018 - 07:27 AM
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