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My JB Starion has been sold

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I hope that I won't be made an outcast and ostracized seeing that it  has been replaced by a 2011 FN2 Type R Honda Civic.


I can however say that it has gone to a very good home and it will be driven at some events next year. The first time the buyer sat in it was when he picked it up and drove it straight onto his trailer.The new owner used to rally a Starion and enters Targas in a 944 Porsche He also competed in this years Targa great barrier reef and am sure that he will be much quicker than I was.


I was worried that I would have had to put it on Scumtree and have flat brim idiots lo balling me and that it would have been wrapped around a tree in a short time



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Haven't you already told us this in the other 2 threads regarding the Starion?
Or has it been sold for a second time??
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



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Haven't you already told us this in the other 2 threads regarding the Starion?
Or has it been sold for a second time??

 Opps my bad  should have  checked  Was just letting anyone that may be interested as to what I replaced it with.but I seem to already have done that already .Must be getting old and forgetful.



Edited by OLDIE, 18 December 2018 - 08:37 PM.

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