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Handbrake button replacement

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Yes, tackling the big issues today...


Does anyone know how to remove the handbrake button? There's no part number for it, so I'm assuming it wasn't designed to be removed easily, or at all.


I'm looking at replacing it without having to buy a whole new lever.

Evolution II GSR



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It's an all in one package. So good luck getting the button on its own.
You will have to replace the whole part.
Pm Vonapets on here...I just gave him a handbrake lever setup in good condition....he might sell it to you if you ask him nicely!
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]

Ross Cox

Ross Cox

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G'day. I believe I may have one, but I won't be able to have a look till Tuesday Night.





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You can buy it new for $80-100 from Amayama.


The handles get old and shitty. Replacing a few high touch parts like this make a nice difference to the interior.




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Thanks fellas...might just get a new one as they all seem to be pretty average after 20+ years...

Evolution II GSR

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