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kg/mm springs and shocks for CD9A/CE9A

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  • LocationBrisbane

Hey Fella's - I have some early Evo springs and shocks for sale:


Item: kg/mm Springs and shocks for CD9A/CE9A - Evo 1, 2, 3.

Item Condition: Used. Shocks aren’t leaking, but have seen plenty of use.

Price: $300 - negotiable.

Extra Info: Springs look very low to me, but haven't seen them on a car. Made in Japan. Shocks are certainly not new, but aren’t leaking. I imported them from Japan 2nd hand and went back to OEM stuff instead.

Location: Brisbane

Preferred Contact Method: PM me for details, but the photos tell the story. 

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20190421_142058.jpg

Edited by Willard, 21 April 2019 - 09:54 AM.

Evolution II GSR

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