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WTB: CC Lancer Sedan Front Guards (Pair)

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    Wannabe Racer

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Hi All,


I'm chasing a pair of front guards from a CC Sedan.  Colour doesn't matter.



"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



    Advanced Member

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I have a drivers side one, you can have it for cost of shipping

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro



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Had a pair here for ages...couldn't give them away at the time.
Always the way..
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



    Wannabe Racer

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Cheers Ian - I can get my hands on a drivers one here in Vic, I need the passenger side!


evo-gsr  - always the way indeed!  which is why I accumulate so much crap around the place, because I know the day after I get rid of it, I'll need it!

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin




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Pretty sure I do but not back from os till 25th. Pick up mooroolbark

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