Hi all, I have dean's silver gsr and after being in storage for 8 years it has developed a misfire. It idles fine but misses anything off idle. It has new plugs and the leads measure within spec, I have swapped the following items with one's that are off another gsr which ran fine - igniter, coils, tps, ecu, cleaned injectors, cas, afm, fuel pressure regulater, injectors off another car, new fuel pump and filter and the pressures are on spec. Even when I short circuit the fuel system with the same pressures and it still misses and is as rich as anything with the correct pressures which lends me to believe the injector pulse is to long. Any ideas wound be appreciated, cheers dave
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Posted 19 July 2019 - 05:40 AM
Posted 21 July 2019 - 12:32 AM
Posted 22 July 2019 - 08:59 AM
Posted 23 July 2019 - 01:44 AM
If it still runs an air flow meter, clean it or replace it. Also check for wiring issues of the afm...
May need to check from the afm plug to the ecu for cracked wires
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
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