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1997 HSGR Struts front and rear (Just Ordinary)

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So much information on the forums my head hurts

My HSGR is 12/1997 build. (I assume that's what 1997012 means)
The Mitsi ASA indicates the front struts are only on the HSGR and don't fit anything else (Why??)
(The rears are common to lots of other things)


From KYB Parts finder


4 Door Wagon
2.0 litre, 4G63T I4 16v DOHC Turbo EFI {164KW} 4WD,AT/MT,[JAPAN] 22852


335034 Excel-G - Standard OE Replacement   Front Strut
343384 Excel-G - Standard OE Replacement   Rear Strut


In reply to my email query :

"Part numbers 335034 and 343384 are recommended for a Mitsubishi RVR N23WG Sport Gear from 09/1991 - 09/1997.

Unfortunately, we do not have a listing for this model with a build date later than 09/1997.

If your build date is after this, you may need to source these parts from overseas."


I'm not racing or dragging or lowering and just want to replace the tired old struts.

Can I throw caution (or is it money) to the wind and go ahead with the KYB fronts?



Still love the RVR but am paranoid about little noises



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The ASA build date is YYYYMMW, where W is the week number of that month, so yours is the second week of January 1997.



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The ASA build date is YYYYMMW, where W is the week number of that month, so yours is the second week of January 1997.


Thanks for that 

I have been labouring under a misapprehension for years 
Thought it was strange

So the answer is they will fit!   Good

Still love the RVR but am paranoid about little noises

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