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Hubs and sliders

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In my quest to build a strong gearbox I have discovered hub/slider assemblies or EOS.


I have been speaking to Haysam at PAR about making them. He is happy to do it. The more he makes the cheaper it becomes per unit. He can do ones designed to go with single synchro or later multi-piece ones. I just need to tell him which.


They would not be cheap. Taking a guess I'm thinking at least $600 each if a few are ordered. But I consider it cheap insurance against destroying the rest of an expensive box if you are planning on making big numbers. The poor man pays twice.


Anyone interested?

Edited by LumpyVR4, 30 August 2021 - 04:06 AM.

ECM Link, 399 MAF, 560cc injectors, 270 cams, TD05-20G @22psi, 3" dump, full 3" mandrel exhaust, intercooler, Fidanza alloy flywheel, 4 bolt LSD, EVO IV brakes, Strut braces, coil overs and sway bars.

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