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HSG Front bumpers available?

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First time poster here, long time 4g owner. I'm in the USA with a US model Eagle summit wagon. I'm passively on the hunt for an HSG front bumper, side skirts and rear spoiler to add to my US spec 4g63T swapped summit. I've searched OE part numbers for the bumper and I'm struggling to find translatable web pages that may have them available. Does anyone have a source online for an OEM front bumper if not skirts and spoiler? My local mitsubishi dealer has been less than helpful and it seems mitsubishi stock is NLA from what I'm seeing. I would entertain used pieces as well I was just hoping to get something new. The front bumper is what I'm mostly after.


52062332619_9a6ea2066a_c.jpgUntitled by Tyeler Andersen, on Flickr

Edited by tyeler18, 13 June 2022 - 10:42 PM.

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