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Evo 3 queries from a newbie

- - - - - discussion question evo 3

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  • LocationMichigan

Hello everyone! 


Well, I'm soon to be the proud owner of an Evo 3 but I have some questions that I can't find answers to so I'm hoping I can find them here. So here goes my questions. 


The option code on the vin plaque says "0U0" and while I came across a thread that states all the option code for an Evo 3 it doesn't include this one. anyone have an idea of what the options are for this code?


I've seen threads that say Evo 3 tranny gear can be swapped into a 2G DSM, but can a 2G DSM tranny be swapped into an Evo 3? Asking this because when the Evo 3 tranny goes (hopefully it doesn't) can this be a solution?


How worried should I be about finding parts? its 2024 so this car is 27 years old! (I'm scared of the damn roof rust problem)


I plan to see how it does as a daily, think it's a good idea? (I have another car btw)


Lastly, How much power can I make reliably without killing the trans? Ive seen that anything less than 400whp is good. Is that true?


Also, anything else I need to know about these cars? 


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: discussion, question, evo 3

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