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Richard Hammond from Top Gear in Car Crash
Posted 21 September 2006 - 02:34 AM
He's in a stable condition at the moment.
Here's prayin he's OK. Hate to see another big name go...
Posted 21 September 2006 - 03:56 AM
Hammond, 36, was trying to break a land speed record in the car when it overturned several times.
It is understood that the 5000hp Vampire jet car was travelling at 450km/h when the crash occured.
Witnesses say that Hammond was taking his last run of the day when the car veered off the track in a cloud of smoke, turned over several times before finally landing upside down.
A North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said that the car ? powered by a Red Arrows engine ? veered off the track onto grass before flipping over.
The vehicle's roll cage had saved Hammond's life.
The parachute had deployed, and ambulance crews, with the help of Top Gear's film crew, managed to right the vehicle.
Posted 21 September 2006 - 01:42 PM
i hope he pulls through though, he's a legend.
"yeh im the best drifter......i got my front wheel drive vtec sideways yesterday when i lost control round a was the best drift ive ever done!"
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