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What is the Definition of a "STOCK" bottom end?

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As above.
What is the Definition of a "STOCK"/"FACTORY"/"ORIGINAL" bottom end?
For all intents and purposes I will use "STOCK" as a wording for all the above :wink:

1. Is a "stock" bottom end just the original engine with the same internals?
2. What about if the same "stock" engine had a rebuild with the same "stock" internals? IE: Rods/Pistons/Crank with new bearings? Honed block maybe to clean it up?
3. What if the same "stock" internals as above were used but strengthened? IE: shot peened rods, Heatcoated pistons and shaved/balanced crank. Would that be still "stock"?

My opinion is that those "STOCK" Internals are still retained but although strengthened, they are still "STOCK" Internals!

What is everybodies thoughts on the matter?

* Please note* This does not represent ANYBODIES car on this forum nor anywhere else in Australia/NZ.
At this stage this is a Hypothetical engine that some-one may or may not own :wink: :lol:

Thankyou all for your comments and please try to keep on topic and with minimum arguments :D

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

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My definition of stock, is an untouched bottom end, untouched head. Stock is pretty much never opening the engine up for any modification and only gaining performance from bolt on parts and management upgrades.

In my opinion.

1997 RVR Hyper Sports Gear

Gold Coast, QLD

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My definition of stock, is an untouched bottom end, untouched head. Stock is pretty much never opening the engine up for any modification and only gaining performance from bolt on parts and management upgrades.

In my opinion.

Yup very good. BUT i didnt mention head just block/bottom end :)

Keep em coming :wink:

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

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    I am The Stigs fat cousin

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As far as i'm concerned a "Stock" bottom end is one designed by Mitsubishi, so even if you car has been rebuilt to factory specs, its still "Stock"

'69 Escort Mk 1 2 door 



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yeah all oem parts no aftermarket parts, just as if it were off the factory floor.
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Yeah If you just strengthen the oem parts its no different to honing IMO.

Eveerything mentioned above I would class as stock.
Yellow Evo 8 '04 - #47

Selling '89 VR4 RS - Buy it you know you want to!!



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how it came out of the factory..
not quite a gsr, not quite an evo



    Gday maaaate

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built to factory specs with factory parts
except for the little things such as seals / bearings...

rods / crank / pistons / all bolts are mitsu oem...




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Stock to me means retaining the factory engine internals. Modifying rods/pistons and crank isnt what i would call stock.. but even if u did it.. how would i know whats in a motor? cos its not like i can open your motor up..

however that said, why would u modify crank/rods/piston when you can go after market stuff.. or even OEM from another car..

Name: Jon
Current Rides:
My06 Evolution IX 12.11 @ 113mph 252kw (street weight)
1997 Proton Satria GLi (daily)
Previous Rides
1993 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR 4G93T 200kw @ hubs 12.1 @ 115.5mph
1992 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 1 (CD9A) 225kw, 20g, stock ecu, hks 264s 12.050 @ 116.5mph OHH YERRR




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If you dont meet horatio and Marcellus,the rivalsof my watch,bid them make haste, i think i hear them stand ho! who is there?the bell then beating one, where nowit burnsm, what art thou that usurp'st this time it harrows together with that fair and warlike form sharked up a list of lawless motive of comulsory watch posthaste and cheif head.

I think it be no other but e'en so, good now does not divide partiqulaer sunday weekcast of brazen implements thus twice hath he gone inform mewho isnt at least a whisper subject of ther landdid say forfeitn well he stood moiety competant.disasters as behold harbingers precedding climatures countrymen whso have heard and do part believeer comes again uphoarded you spirits of mightness trains of fire and dews of blood and like doth the cock to speak upon with lofty gestures started like guilty Gosh of day.

faded bird of dawnings saviours crowing birth is celebrated like being whether in sea or fire it was absurd gainst that season comes,shall seen to light bear our hearts fitting ditty and ditto part believ for upon speak to him holding a weak enterprise supposal valiant brother full of proportions and further voltemeand good cornelious,surrendor of thoseyeah now must confess wrung from me tis not alone nor derctive for they actiocnare met with full swords mourning duties obligations obscerities the survivor behold so partiqualer withing passports.
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I think if you shot peen the rods or coat the pistons that is not Stock. Stock to me means untouched bottom end. If you rebuild it to original specs as in bearings, pistons, rings etc then yes that is still stock.

Mr Gears

Mr Gears


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I would include balance shafts and factory head gasket as part of a stock bottom end. Everything must remain as it was unopened (aside from a freshen up... rings, pistons rods and bearings must be genuine Mitsubishi and nothing oversized or strengthened) Compression must remain to original spec.



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I will concur with most people that a "stock" bottom end is unchanged from factory. If it's rebuilt with new rings and bearings (no strengthening) that should be included because as we all know, our cars are getting older and these generally don't last long with 150,000+ k's and modifications.

I also like Mr Gears comment that the factory head gasket (although obviously a new one if the rings etc have been done) should be retained as they can alter the compression etc

Had - 91 Aus spec VR4

Now - 03 Honda Accord Euro





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To be stock (in my opinion) would require All mitsubishi parts/fittings speciffically for that engine to be retained. including head gaskets, pistons, crank, rings, bearings (aftermarket equivelants would pass but not performane parts). Head maybe ported but original valves, springs cams would have to be retained.

cheers dave
Dane and Daves dodgy deals and rare spares.
Oil lights are like oven alarms......they tell you when it's cooked
Green GSR.......sold VR4 AMG........sold Grey GSR still under the house.




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As mentioned, I believe stock to be (regardless of rebuild or not), built to standard specs. OEM parts.

That said, I waterski race (southern 80 and the like), and the stock 6lt class crank down the river @ about 75-80mph @ 6500ish RPM. Now how many "stock" 350 chevs do u know that will hold those revs for 40-45mins?

Which presents the original question.. what is stock? :P haha
'94 Evo 2, Forgies, H-beams, cams, copper head gasket, GT25 440hp turbo blah blah $$ spent too much of them...

'70 XW GT, STOCK! (as stock as GT's are)

Coming soon Manifold and Haltech

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