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Rebuild 4G93...which workshop?

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  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
  • 128 posts
  • LocationMelbourne, Victoria
Hi guys,

A mate of my needs to rebuild/ strengthen his engine, or probably just get a new one and rebuild that. He's here in Melb, so that we dont need to worry about.

Any idea which of our sponsors will be better suited to do that? I dont like running sponsors against each other, but thought id just get some general opinions? And undoubtably costs will be a factor.

I know there was a post earlier on them, but thought id try to get more opinions specific to this situation...

I wont ask for other recommendations, cause I'm sure our sponsors were picked for a reason.

But if anyone else has other points to bring up, do let me know.

Thanks for your time.



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Business: Afas Rallysport
Location: Melbourne
Specialising: Aftermarket Vehicle Enhancement
Contact: Darren Smith
Work: (03) 9723 5944
Email: [email protected]
Website: TBA

AFAS is extremely good with older gen mitsu motors, many people say the best you'll find etc. Give them a call, get your mate to join up here too :)



    Nothing Under 35psi!

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  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationMelbourne

Currently Australias Fastest 1.8ltr with a 10.91@134.

Also built my 4G93 8)

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