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air/fuel ratio guage

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hey guys

just recenlty tried to install the the air/fuel ratio guage on my evo 2 gsr

and i tapped the o2 sensor wire into the blue wire (there are two wires blue and white)

and when i start her up the needle is half way between the words lean and optimum and rev the car the needle moves a tad, havent driven the car yet.

does this mean i need to let the sensor heat up? before it works properly
or did i hook it up to the wrong wire (tried the white one as well same thing)

or my 02 sensor is rooted??



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Im guessing you have a narrow band gauge ?
My wide band, came with its own O2 sensor 8)



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i got a narrowband sensor on my turbo timer and yes it does take time to heat up
not quite a gsr, not quite an evo



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yeah mine takes a while to work as does your O2 sensor thats why cars have a cold start built in to the management Computer, It will "bounce" between rich and lean when your car is at cruise etc this is what it is meant to do! I'd have to check which wire I hooked it up to but mine is a GSR so could be different any way.

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depending on the sensor used they can take while to reach full temp,

and can also coll very quickly even just in traffic or slow driving

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