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Time to go faster..

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  • LocationSpringvale, Melbourne

yeah we im trying to get as much power out of the 93 as i possibly can, so yeah..

and with exhausts, custom tbe or fujitsubo tbe.. is it worth going for a branded exhaust??

I'd go custom. Japanese branded exhausts are suited to japanese conditions/emissions/noise levels.

thank god someone knows how to think !

i agree with dre go custom things might cost more but your getting your moneys worth !

as for a pipping 3" with a resinator is perfect ! and what ever muffler you decide is up to you



    E III Recaro Pilot

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one T88 will support 980hp :roll:

Yeah but stuff twice the volume in doesnt give you twice the power.
but it makes some stupid amounts of torque.
Hence the reason why it buckled rear ends and delaminated/spun tyres off rims.
17-08-2007, 01:46 PM

In no time you'll realise you made a mistake.
You'll be back

He was right (now back to a F**kn Barina) Lookn for a 7 though !!!!!!!!

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